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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
NAMIT a symbol of quality 11
NAN +at symbol & square 9
NAVKAR a symbol of success 41
OKAXIS +at symbol 36, 45
OML +rupee symbol & oval 36
OZONE HOMZ +at symbol 6, 20, 35
P symbol of purity +circle 29
PALATABLE +at symbol 35
PASS +rupee symbol 9, 42
PAYWORLD +rupee symbol 42
PENTALITE symbol of quality 11
PI CLOUD +at symbol 42
PLAYME +at symbol & arrow 9
PLINTH +at symbol 9, 42
PMO PAR +at symbol & square 35
R +lock & rupee symbol 42
R RRA symbol of quality 9
RAJ a symbol of quality 12
RELIANCE M +rupee symbol 38
REST BEST +at symbol 44
REST NITE +at symbol 5
symbol 11
S symbol of loyalty 16
S symbol of quality +oval 12
SAKAL JOBS +at symbol 35, 42, 45
SAKSONS symbol of quality 35
SCIENCE WORK +at symbol 6, 16, 19, 20, 35, 37, 40
SFI symbol of your safety 12, 35
SHA GOON +at symbol 24
SHREE DEVA symbol of purity 31, 35
SHREEJA symbol of quality 19
SMART PROCURE +at symbol 42
SMC a symbol of quality 19
SOS symbol of safety 9
symbol 35, 38
SPEED ACC +at symbol vehicl 39
SRIMANI symbol of trust 5
SS symbol of quality +plant 30
STAY YOUR PRICE +at symbol 43
STOPABLUE +at symbol 30
STORY HOME +at symbol 35
SUITS CAFE +at symbol & cup 36
SUSHIEZ +at symbol 44
TASTE TOUNG +at symbol 35
TAUCH 18 +at symbol 25
TEACH BEST +at symbol 16
TECHSHARP +at symbol 9
THE WORKS +at symbol 35
TIA3T ERP +at symbol 42
TOMIC BOMB +at symbol 30
TOTS FUN +at symbol 16
TRIAGE +at symbol 18
TVISION +at symbol 9
UDHAAR +rupee symbol 16, 39, 41
UDHAR BAZAR +rupee symbol 42
V ME HBCSE TIFR +at symbol 16
VAM +at symbol 9
WHAT'S ON CROMA +at symbol 16
WOK STATION +at symbol 43
WOMEN WORK +at symbol 35, 38
WORKS +at symbol 35
XOCHIQUETZAL +at symbol 35
ZAP GO +capacitor symbol 9
symbol 24
at symbol & square 9
brand-A-ETUDE +at symbol 35
cartoon balloon & at symbol 9, 41
envelope at-symbol & oval 36
hut key & currency symbol 37
infinity symbol 9
music symbol & square 9
music symbol oval & square 38
rupee symbol & circle 16
rupee symbol circle & hut 16
HERBS WORK +at symbole 44
a symbole of taste +chef 30
symbols 4
CALCOID +arithmetic symbols 35
EAGLE +music symbols 9
GAO GANA +mic music symbols 9, 41
symbols 28
MOZART +music symbols 11
SUPER HIT +zodiac symbols 3
symbols 36
arithmetic symbols & square 9
chinese symbols 29
dollar & pound symbols 25
japanses symbols 4
question mark & at symbols 9
textile care symbols 37, 40, 41
L'AFFAIRE a symphon +woman 24
vv paints symphony +face 2
syn STAR 4
synchronisati 16
MATE synchronized force 9
flex syncro 8
SIEMENS sports syndicate 28
STARR syndicate limited 36
synergies-DOORAY +circles 12
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